Sell Online Using Shopify in Minutes

Thinking about opening your own online shop or moving your product to another platform? Let's talk! I was in your position two years ago. I had been looking for an online shopping website host that would allow me to sell both tangible products and downloadable products. I've been using wordpress for awhile now but I wanted a website that would allow me to upload, change things, etc within minutes. I knew that eventually I'd probably hire an assistant or ask the hubs to make changes and I didn't want the site to be a huge challenge to learn. Here's what I love about shopify...

  1. Shopifyis easy and it's perfect for the person who doesn't know anything about coding. You can have your website up in minutes just by using their free templates. If you do know coding we'll kudos to you, you can make the look of your site better.
  2. Shopify has so many apps you can use to increase your shops traffic and customer interaction. A lot of them are even free. Some of my favorites are the Product Reviews APPQuick Announcement Bar by Hextom, and the automatic tweets to twitter app that post with a buy it now button so that customers can purchase straight from twitter. Your Shopify account will also give you richpins capability so that your products can be found and bought straight from Pinterest.
  3. Shopifydoes cost $29 for a month to month subscription. That may seem kind of high, but because it and its apps does a lot of administrative work for me allowing me to focus on the product and selling, I'm okay with that. I can send e-newsletters and updates directly from Shopify, I can make it so that when a customer get's their package they will automatically receive an email to review their product, and the review goes directly to the site. All my items also directly post to facebook, twitter, and other outlets to bring in more views. Shopify also tracks what products customers are viewing the most, what they're searching for, and what social network they came from. This helps me figure out if my promotions on social media are working and which one I need to work better at.

So... basically I fell in love with Shopifybecause it does a lot of work for me. Don't get me wrong, when making a website you can't expect your items or services to completely sell on their own. You still have to give your brand personality and make customers feel like they should buy from you. I suggest you try it out. Every business is different, so try Shopifyalong with their free trial, just to see.


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