My Experience at Chicago’s Womanish Exhibit and How You Can Enjoy It Too

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A few weekends ago, we got a chance to visit the Womanish exhibit, a pop up by two young African American woman located downtown of Chicago.

This place is aesthetically pleasing if you’re into art, female empowerment, selfies, and hanging with your girl gang.


If you own a brand that caters to women it’s also the perfect place for a brand shoot. Just snatch up a friend and let them take pics while you pose throughout five levels of visuals within 45 minutes at the price of $45 per ticket (fees included).


This place is not for you if you’re not a fan of taking lots of pics and selfies.

While there, you’re on your own waiting your turn and catching spots, especially if you booked a full time slot. Young people love selfies and Instagramable pics.

Some come in groups so their may be a frenzy and masks coming on and off at times as they take pics.It’s your job to not get too close to others if you’re still very worried about Covid.

If you’re trying to have a date with your boyfriend or husband, or spend time with your mom, this is not the place… unless you both plan to really let go and have fun. Otherwise, I suggest going early on a day during the week when it’s little to no people.


The first time I came here was summer of last year. I took pics while my girls wore tees from the girlandgoals shop. Every now and then I’ll post this content on instagram or use them for video edits. You may have seen some of these pics already.

This time I attended with my fam for my niece’s 18th birthday. Because I knew how hectic it could get trying to take one another’s pics I asked my nephew, who is also a photographer to take photos for us. Once again, I also wanted to use these pics for G&G content.

Leah also went this time as well, so many photos of her can be used for Girl And Goals Mini when needed.


If it’s warm enough for you to go without a coat, leave it. Taking a big purse may be too much also, so a coin purse or waist bag will do. This will help you save time and take as many pics as you want without having to carry and find a spot to drop your items each time you’re ready to pose.

For the best pics, choose your favorite parts of the exhibit you know you want to pose in before you go by looking on the Womanish Instagram page. You’ll get more out of the exhibit and your time by having a plan before going.



Basement: Magic Room / 1st Floor: Diner / 2nd Floor: Gender and Body / 3rd Floor: Shopping Cart & Feminine Products, Money Room / 4th Floor: Swing Set, Mini Cars, Moon, SeeSaw, Holographic Staircase / 5th Floor: Mirrors, Hair & Nail Salon, Black Girl Magic, Pink Room, Blue Room with Clouds

PICS BY KEON @keonoshae / @impressives0n on Instagram

They’ve extended their time here and may stay through the summer, so catch your tickets and have fun while you can💕

TL Hayden

I’m Tamika, graphic designer, social media manager, wife, mom of 2, and founder of GIRLANDGOALS.

I’ve been helping women grow their brand and start new businesses since 2011 when pregnant with my daughter. On my journey as a fempreneur, I get so many questions about starting a business, how I balance mom-life and more. So, I created a platform/community to mix all those answers together while including other femes on the same path.

personal blog / personal ig


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