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Sugar Crave: SmallCakes

We stumbled upon this cupcake & creamery spot back in January and decided to go there yesterday. As you know, Friday is pizza and ice cream day for us.  Smallcakes is located in Orland Park, IL and has great ratings, so we figured why not. This is a small franchise so there are some in different states as well. It's fun surprising Leah and taking her to new places. Before Joseph came along it was just her, and it took her a minute to get adjusted to having a new sibling in the house. So, taking her out for ice cream is one of the things we've been doing to keep her feeling special. 

The cupcakes turned over during the car ride home but they were still good and very sweet. Shown in the pic above is Pink Chocolate and Peanut Butter Cup. Leah gives them a thumbs up!

Love, TL Hayden